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Our Students

Want to know what it's like ot be a student in Mwanjati?  Here's a couple of stories from our students. . .

“My name is Daudi Ishmael and I was born in 2004 and I am 12 years old.  I am a boy, learning at Mwanjati full Primary School in Standard 6.  I come from a family of 6 children.  I like my lessons very much more, especially English, Mathematics, Science and Technology and expressive Arts. 


Teachers at this school work hard to support our education.  With their guidance, I am confident that I will achieve my ambitions to become an engineer.  I work very hard in school. 


My hobbies are reading, playing football and swimming, since I live along the lake shores of Lake Malawi. 


Sometimes I face challenges like lack of school learning materials, i.e. pens, books, exercise books, atlases and rulers.  My family is poor, that this becomes hard to get.  All in all, I always get position one in examinations.”

“I am Lucy Mwase, a girl aged 14 years old.  I am in standard 8 at Mwanjati Primary School.  I come from a family of seven (7) children), and I am the first born.  My parents never tasted education and are poor. 


I work very hard in school, and would like to be a doctor in future.  


I like mathematics, science and technology and English the most.  My hobbies are music, reading, playing netball and dancing. 


We have very hardworking teachers and with their coaching I hope to achieve my goal”.

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